How do we know what Charles Manson did was wrong?

This Oct. 8, 2014 photo provided by the California Department of Corrections shows 80-year-old serial killer Charles Manson. A marriage license has been issued for Manson to wed 26-year-old Afton Elaine Burton, who left her Midwestern home nine years ago and moved to Corcoran, California to be near him. Burton, who goes by the name
This Oct. 8, 2014 photo provided by the California Department of Corrections shows 80-year-old serial killer Charles Manson. A marriage license has been issued for Manson to wed 26-year-old Afton Elaine Burton, who left her Midwestern home nine years ago and moved to Corcoran, California to be near him. Burton, who goes by the name “Star,” told the AP that she and Manson will be married next month. (AP Photos/California Department of Corrections)

How do we know what Charles Manson did was wrong?

On the night of August 8, 1969, Manson directed Watson to take Atkins, Linda Kasabian, and Patricia Krenwinkel to “that house where Melcher used to live” and “totally destroy everyone in [it], as gruesome as you can.” We know that one of the murdered, Sharon Tate pleaded to be allowed to live long enough to have her baby, and even offered herself as a hostage in an attempt to save the life of her unborn child, but the cold blooded killers would not let her live Everyone agrees that what the Manson family did was wrong, but why is it wrong?

First, the bible also says that we should not murder (Ex. 20:13) As Christians we now that this is wrong. But what about the non-Christian why do they know what the Manson family did is wrong? If you followed the Twitter feed #Aquarius most of the Tweets were about how good looking actors are. But do we know that what the Manson family did was wrong? And how do you know it is wrong if you don’t believe the bible? The answer is that the law and their conscience convicts them it is wrong.

Next, the law tells us we cannot murder. And in 1971 Charles Manson was found guilty of conspiracy to commit the murders of seven people: actress Sharon Tate and four other people at Tate’s home; and the next day, a married couple, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca; all carried out by members of the group at his instruction. He was convicted of the murders through the joint-responsibility rule, which makes each member of a conspiracy guilty of crimes his fellow conspirators commit in furtherance of the conspiracy’s objective.[1][2] Therefore, when we hear of something like this scenario the law is set in place to protect the innocent as it should, and people who break the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Thirdly, our conscience talks to us all day long regardless if we read the bible or not. If we touch a hot stove, we feel pain, because our brain, working with our nerves tells us that the stove is painful. In the same way, if we saw a room full of innocent elementary school children getting shot, regardless of if we follow the 10 commandments, “though shall not murder”(Ex. 20:13), we want justice for those innocent children that had their life taken away from them. During the Manson trial the nation was full of those that felt disgusted in the pit of their stomachs, and secretly hope that the killers were brought to justice, regardless of whether they follow the bible or not, because their conscious would be shouting to them…this is wrong; where is justice.

In the case of Charles Manson the nation is shouting that the murdered innocence ones had their lives stolen and they deserve justice, and rightly they do! But why does our conscience tell us this is wrong? Why does our inside churn at the news of something violent, and grotesque that violates the innocent? The answer is simple, because God created our conscience and preprogramed you to choose righteousness.


Our conscience, which God created and programed, convicts us of the truth (there is a right and wrong; we demand justice; we want judgment rendered; ne need a Just Judge) this is the very standard with which God, is judging us, and will judge us. The Bible says God is the Just Judge; at the end of our lives we will stand, in His court and be judged, and only those with Jesus will enter into eternity. On earth a person is convicted when the evidence against them is “beyond reasonable doubt”. When we stand before God the evidence against us will be “beyond a shadow of doubt”, for all have sinned.

Our conscience is telling us a story, what the Manson family did was wrong, because the Creator of Heaven and Earth has shown us through: the Word of God, the law, and our conscience. What I have done is wrong, and what you have done is wrong, the only perfect Man, Jesus—can wash away our sins.

Imagine, if a young boy and girl, 5 years old, gets dropped off at their day care so mom and dad can go to work and provide. After their parents have left the caretaker takes the children into a playroom, where they enjoy playing with some blocks not suspecting that this day could change their lives forever, brings them.

Then imagine a angry person wielding a knife, walks into the day care room where the innocent children are playing, knocks down the attendant, and stabs the two children to death, before they escapes through a side door.

Then imagine that this was all caught on video surveillance. Instantly, the police are called, the news is brought in, the parents of the dead children are called, and the news begins to video as the parents of the dead drive up screaming in pain, pleading to see their children, calling out their names hoping in some way that a mistake was made and their child will meet them. But sadly they are dead.

Then the police show the video of the surveillance in order to catch the criminal, and instantly through YouTube millions of people watching the video would be horrified. Mothers and fathers would shudder deep in the pit of their stomach, as they watch the children being stabbed, feeling the pain of the parents that have lost their children, and their conscience would scream—give us JUSTICE—catch that criminal right now.

After hours of searching, and many leads coming in through 100’s of concerned people, the killer is caught. People would want immediate justice, after all the killer is guilty, according to the video, and justice must be served. However, the killer must be given a fair trial, before a Just Judge what will render a right judgment.

Our hearts would not be soothed right away, because the dark thoughts of the heinous act would haunt us day and night, because something horrible, took place at the day care. So many of us would wonder how can we make something beautiful out of this dark pain. Immediately, caring women would buy flowers and fill the room where the children died, making something beautiful out of the brokenness.

This would help in the healing process, but we would not rest until the Judge’s gavel sounds and justice is rendered. So in this whole process our conscience confronts darkness, we cry out for justice, a righteous judgment is needed to come from a just judge in order for our lives to get back in order. Only then would mothers and father be able to breathe a deep sigh of relief and get back on with their life.

God made our conscience and we decide weather to follow our conscience, by cultivating our conscience; or we decide to ignore it, by placing our own opinions on what is right and wrong. If we cultivate our God given conscious by reading the bible and obey Jesus’s teaching then we grow in Godliness and Righteousness. However, if we ignore our conscience, then our conscience is seared (1 Tim. 4:2), our hearts become hardened towards God, and we become like God and chose, in our own ignorance, we decide what is right and wrong (Gen. 3:5), and we grow in ungodliness and unrighteousness.

But regardless of if we choose to follow righteousness or not—GOD CREATED OUR CONSCIENCE—He is Righteous and Just, and He wants to protect us and lead us to righteousness. And if our conscience convicts us then we know that there is a right and wrong. If there is a right and wrong, then we know that we need justice. And if there is justice then we need a judgment to be given so that the things would be made right. If we know we need a righteous judgment then we need a just judge to render justice.

So if our conscience bears witness when something heinous act (for example the story above, or something like what Charles Manson and followers) is wrong we immediately want justice, so that our hearts can rest. When the criminal, who stabbed the innocent children, is put behind bars we all are thankful that the process of justice is underway. But where did that desire for justice come from?

God created Justice! The bible says that Righteousness and Justice are the foundations of His Throne (Ps. 97:2). Justice came forth from God; justice did not exist until He made it and know we cannot live with out it. The Just God does not want those innocent children stabbed, He did not want Charlie Manson to choose death, so He created our conscience to know this is wrong and our hearts to cry out for justice, because He wants justice more than we.

But what is justice? Justice (in my opinion) is when we contend for everyone, even the weakest among us, to walk in the fullness of his or her God given destiny. This means that I put Godly, or Heavenly Justice before earthly justice. We need Justice from Heaven; we want justice on earth. For example, the child sold into slavery needs Heavenly Salvation, and they desperately want to justice from their earthly prison. Both Heavenly and earthly justice are important.

If we have a conscience that tells us things are right and wrong, and if our insides squirm at the thought of the young innocent child being brutally butchered to death, and if our hearts cry out for justice on behalf of those innocent lives then we need a Just Judge to render a judgment that is right and fair.

We want a Just Judgment to come on behalf of the innocent. God created “judgment”, or it is better to say “a verdict that is righteous”. Think about it! The concept of “Judgment”, or “righteous judgment”, did not exist until God created it. So if we have the God breathed creation of “righteous judgment” then we need some one just to judge to case.

God is a Just Judge and He is always right. All His ways are just, there is no injustice in Him, and the Judge of all the earth always does what is right (Deut. 32:3-4; Gen. 18:25). There is no one Just to Judge, except for God alone. So, when I need a righteous judgment or a verdict on behalf of righteousness then I am declaring the existence of the Just Judge.

Then imagine that God, the Just Judge, hears the court case of “The killer who brutally murder the children vs. The parents whose children, given by God, were taken away” (From our story above). One could easily put the life of Charlie Manson in this scenario) The killer is on trial, with a defense attorney, while the parents, supported by every good parent are seated behind the plaintiffs, the devastated parents. Jesus, the One that wants justice more than the devastated parents is the Just Judge. It does not look good for the killer.

The story comes out that the parents of the little girl who died, had been high school sweet hearts, went to college together, graduated and were married. Upon marriage they moved to the city where they both had jobs for one year until the wife became pregnant, and their beautiful daughter was born. For the next 5 years their life had been a whirlwind of birthday parties, grandparent’s visits, and family movie nights—they missed their daughter very much.

The parents of the boy had a different story. They were in their mid-forties. They had married in their mid 30’s finding each other at work. She worked in the human resource department and he on the engineering team. Both had wondered if they would ever marry this late in life and were so glad to find each other. However, they tried for 4 years to have a child but it was not possible. Then after all hope was lost they were able to conceive, and had a handsome baby of promise a little boy. They shared stories about the next 5 years of laughter, tears, and a life-long of memories.

Tears are streaming down the faces of all those in the room except for the killer, and then the most unexpected things happen. The father of the young boy, the child of promise, whom they had waited years for, asks to approach the Judges seat, where Jesus the Just Judge sits. Your Honor, we are grieved beyond words at the loss of our child, and we would ask that you allow us to address the killer for a moment. Jesus says, “yes”.

The father turns to the killer, with tears in his eyes, and his wife, now by her husband’s side, speaks three simple words, “we forgive you.” A gasp goes across the courtroom in a minute. What happened to justice? What about the son of promise that they lost? The tearful couple reaches out to hug the killer, who cannot believe the words just uttered. Then the crying couple sits down.

Jesus looks at the other parents and asks them if they have anything to say. “We do your honor. What this killer did is unforgiveable. He brutally killed our child and we want justice,” they say with the pain of a child lost twisting their faces. Then they sit down, what will the Just Judge do next?

Jesus the Just Judge turns towards the killer and asks what would you have to say? The killer, moved by being forgiven, hangs their head in defeat and says, “I am guilty, please forgive me”. Jesus the Just Judge would go down a list determining what would be done for Justice to be served: life in prison, fines, beatings in prison, and shame that would follow the killer’s name.

Then Jesus, the Just Judge would do the unthinkable. He would walk down and take the killer’s place, because He had asked forgiveness and begin to work to pay of His debt. That is what Jesus did when He went to the cross. He took the debt of our sin; He took our place; He paid a debt that we could not pay.

The conscious of America

America we need God to awaken our conscience. We have strayed so far from God we call evil good and good evil (Isa. 5:20). What happened to us? Today is the day we must turn to the Father in Heaven who loves you and:

  1. Acknowledge that Jesus is God’s Son, He is God, He is Righteous. (John 3:16; Romans 10:9) Ask the Holy Spirit to convict us of our sin (John 16:9)
  2. We must repent of our sin; confess our sin to God and tell Him, I am wrong, please forgive me.
  1. Pray this prayer If you understand that you are a sinner and in need of salvation through Jesus Christ, here is a sinner’s prayer you can pray to God: “God, I know that I am a sinner. I know that I deserve the consequences of my sin. However, I am trusting in Jesus Christ as my Savior. Cleanse me from my sin, take the debt of my sin, make me a new creation—make me holy like You are holy.”
  2. Tell a friend you prayed to ask Jesus into your heart.
  3. Be filled with the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:10-11)
  4. Read your bible
  5. Watch this video about the CROSS of JESUS CHRIST.
  6. Pray daily with others.

Civil War in America??


Benjamin’s thoughts January 22, 2012 to November 7, 2012

Civil War

There is a civil war in this nation that is being fought in our courts, churches, public schools, offices, over the radio and internet, on campuses and sadly in families—over the issue of God’s morality vs. man’s—God wants to bring healing and unite us. We have taken sides against one another just as we did before The American Civil War (1861–1865).

I believe the book of Joel serves as a plum line for God’s redemptive strategy. It shows us that God’s way is RIGHTEOUS and leads to repentance; if we do not listen then His progressive mercy is released as judgment upon the Land in order to turn our hearts to truth.

Our country’s past civil war shows the picture of what is happening today. The Civil War was fought because of the innocent blood shed of the native and African Americans; their blood was the counterbalance, which pulled our nation into civil war. At Appomattox General Lee laid down his life, humbled himself, and walked up the steps to sign the treaty with General Grant—bringing PEACE—uniting the nation once again.

Today, the blood shed of abortion and many other forms of wickedness—have divided our nation, and we are at war with one another. Our words, against each other, are destroying the very fabric of this nation. And like our past civil war, time has run its course and Heaven is waiting for us to respond. What will we choose, Mercy or Judgment? Either we turn to God and cry out for the blood of Jesus to cover us; or we face the judgment of God and blood is required (Genesis 9:5-7).

Today, President Obama has the chance to become like Lincoln in this generation and unite America once again—at the Cross of Christ. I believe, if we do not repent, and turn to the Lord—asking for the Blood of Jesus to free us and wash over this land—we will see more “Joplins”, we will see “the shoot heard round the world” (gunfire between races; camera shoots escalating unto riots). AND, in the civil war blood was required…what if this time our sons’ and daughters’ blood will be shed, but this time on foreign soils–in WAR!

Lent and Levite: Uniting the nation under God—Obadiah shouts

There is increased pressure on the apple of God’s eye, Israel, but wisdom can be found, in the book of Obadiah as the force of reconciliation in this season. Two Jewish brothers fought, separated, and within their lifetime were reconciled: Jacob (Israel) and Esau (Edom/today part of modern day Jordan). Obadiah shines light that their reconciliation was short lived and Edom sinned against the God of Israel by idly watching, rejoicing and mocking Israel’s suffering. The Lord ends the book with a precedent, from the Highest Court, that is still applicable; Turn to Him, and acknowledge His ways by embracing Israel—or a nation will face “the day of the Lord”—“as you have done it will be done unto you”.

God desires that none would perish but all would come to repentance—Jew and Gentile reconciled unto one new man—in Christ Jesus. Today He is inviting “Lent” and “Levite” Believers together to pray for Peace in the Middle East. “Lent” are those persons that would prepare before hand to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. “Levites” are Israeli Jews that believe in Jesus, serving Him day and night. God is asking that we help bring reconciliation like John Paul II when he left a note of prayer in that wailing wall in Jerusalem, “We are deeply saddened by the behaviour of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer, and asking your forgiveness we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood with the people of the Covenant.”

Our Nation is torn and in a civil war of strife and debate over the issues of LIFE and DEATH. God the Reconciler wants to bring, Joel 2 solemn assemblies—bringing Peace in the Middle East and uniting our Nation under God. He wants us to do this by: displaying the testimony of Jesus in His reconciliation story between “Lent” and “Levite” and gathering the largest prayer force (across denominational and party lines) and reigniting the September 23, 1857 NYC noon Marketplace Prayer meetings—to pray for our President and nation to turn back to God; the prayer for Jesus, the Alpha and Omega, to be embraced in America. This is what will unite our nation, helping us to stand against the false reconciliation movement, which is fast upon us.

Group #1 Fierce love of the Father


“God likes me” team member sharing the LOVE of the Father at Gay Games

(page 1)

this page is designed to be on the front side of the paper, and gives the “why” behind the what; this is the group of 3 questions (accountability group) after you meet with your large group. 


1. Personal growth and accountability – 1st commandment growth so that you can do the 2nd commandment.
2. Serving brothers and sisters – others praying and serving another into the fullness of their calling.
3. Freedom from sin – sharing wisdom, being there, keeping other accountable, praying and fasting until your holy brother or sister has freedom.
4. Disciplines – walk forth in the disciplines with right motives.
5. Personal Prayer and fasting – cultivating a lifestyle of prayer and fasting, keeping each other accountable helps us do it!!

A cord of 3 strains is not easily broken (Eccl. 4:12). Therefore, it is important that we gather in threes and strengthen each other. We strengthen each other to grow in the 1st commandment so that we can do the 2nd commandment. Our job is to allow God to move in our lives by the power of, His Word and Spirit, and through the encouragement of our brothers and sisters.

We do this by gathering once a week, strengthening and challenging each other. This time does not need to be longer than 20 minutes and can easily be finished in a lunch break once a week. This time is there to help each other grow in the Love and Knowledge of God so that you can live out the fullness of the 1st commandment.

Each member should take a moment to share how they have grown in the to Love God (as from the meditation in holy Club last session) and be loved by God more this week. We start off each session by asking the questions from the “Group of 3 Questions”.

1. Fierce LOVE of the Father; For God so loved the world that He sacrificed His Son (John 3:16); cause you to grow in the first commandment to love God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength?
2. Are you doing the disciplines that you agreed to?
3. What do you think about using the Name of God in vain?

(page 2)

this page is designed to be on the back side of a double sided sheet of paper

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

ENCOUNTER GOD: FIRST read the scripture over slowly. SECOND, close your eyes, Go to God, ask for the Holy Spirit to teach you all things, Let Him guide you to the Truth. THIRD, say the scripture slowly pausing FOR GOD TO REVEAL HIMSELF—to reveal TRUTH. FORTH, answer the questions accordingly. REMEMBER TALK TO GOD, NOT JUST ABOUT HIM.

What does this scripture show me about who YOU (God) are? (text with God in space provided here)

What does this scripture show me about what YOU (God) think about me? (text with God in space provided here)

How then shall I pray/obey? (text with God in space provided here)

350 praying IHOPU students go to the Nation (20 are coming to MIAMI U April 8th)




350 IHOPU students have raised their own funds to spend the next week spread out across America contending for revival.


Together with many others these students will gather at #MiamiOH #SpringOutreach to contend in John 17 Unity for Revival at MiamiU, Oxford, and the surrounding area. On April 8th 2 student lead bands will worship, pray and evangelize in Memorial Park (Oxford, OH) from 2 to 5:30pm. We are praying for great weather and John 17 unity among those involved. What Kind of Love would lead them to do this?


This is a Love of Obedience, passed on God’s definition of Love, with to God the 1st Commandment first place in their lives.


37 You shall love the LORD … with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment.

(Mt. 22:37-38)


We know that God’s ultimate eternal purpose for creation is to provide a family for Himself that includes faithful children for Himself and an equally yoked Bride for Jesus as His eternal companion. God promised to give Jesus an inheritance consisting of a people whom He fully possesses in love.


8 I [the Father) will give You [Jesus] the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession. (Ps. 2:8)


LOVE: God’s terms

This Love requires that we walk in mandatory obedience: God will cause all creation to obey Jesus (Phil. 2:9-11). However this is not a heavy-handed forced love. We can never force someone to love another or us. Instead, we can invite them into voluntary love; God will raise up people who voluntarily choose to love Him.


When we grow in God’s love then we are equally yoked in love to God. God wants us to love Him with all of our heart and mind, because He loves us with all of His heart and mind. Jesus wants us to love Him in the way He loves us. He will supernaturally empower us to love Him this way. It takes “God to love God.” The anointing to receive God’s love and to return it to Him is the greatest gift the Spirit imparts to us.


The love of God has been poured in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5). Jesus prayed for His people to be supernaturally empowered to love Him with God’s love.


26 I declared…Your name … that the love with which You loved Me may be in them. (Jn. 17:26)


HOW can you help!

On April 8th 20 plus IHOPU students will join with the students of Miami U. to seek the face of Jesus in worship, prayer and evangelism. Come and join us. If you can’t join us please pray for us. And send this blog to anyone that can come via instagram, Facebook and twitter.