Group #1 Fierce love of the Father


“God likes me” team member sharing the LOVE of the Father at Gay Games

(page 1)

this page is designed to be on the front side of the paper, and gives the “why” behind the what; this is the group of 3 questions (accountability group) after you meet with your large group. 


1. Personal growth and accountability – 1st commandment growth so that you can do the 2nd commandment.
2. Serving brothers and sisters – others praying and serving another into the fullness of their calling.
3. Freedom from sin – sharing wisdom, being there, keeping other accountable, praying and fasting until your holy brother or sister has freedom.
4. Disciplines – walk forth in the disciplines with right motives.
5. Personal Prayer and fasting – cultivating a lifestyle of prayer and fasting, keeping each other accountable helps us do it!!

A cord of 3 strains is not easily broken (Eccl. 4:12). Therefore, it is important that we gather in threes and strengthen each other. We strengthen each other to grow in the 1st commandment so that we can do the 2nd commandment. Our job is to allow God to move in our lives by the power of, His Word and Spirit, and through the encouragement of our brothers and sisters.

We do this by gathering once a week, strengthening and challenging each other. This time does not need to be longer than 20 minutes and can easily be finished in a lunch break once a week. This time is there to help each other grow in the Love and Knowledge of God so that you can live out the fullness of the 1st commandment.

Each member should take a moment to share how they have grown in the to Love God (as from the meditation in holy Club last session) and be loved by God more this week. We start off each session by asking the questions from the “Group of 3 Questions”.

1. Fierce LOVE of the Father; For God so loved the world that He sacrificed His Son (John 3:16); cause you to grow in the first commandment to love God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength?
2. Are you doing the disciplines that you agreed to?
3. What do you think about using the Name of God in vain?

(page 2)

this page is designed to be on the back side of a double sided sheet of paper

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

ENCOUNTER GOD: FIRST read the scripture over slowly. SECOND, close your eyes, Go to God, ask for the Holy Spirit to teach you all things, Let Him guide you to the Truth. THIRD, say the scripture slowly pausing FOR GOD TO REVEAL HIMSELF—to reveal TRUTH. FORTH, answer the questions accordingly. REMEMBER TALK TO GOD, NOT JUST ABOUT HIM.

What does this scripture show me about who YOU (God) are? (text with God in space provided here)

What does this scripture show me about what YOU (God) think about me? (text with God in space provided here)

How then shall I pray/obey? (text with God in space provided here)

350 praying IHOPU students go to the Nation (20 are coming to MIAMI U April 8th)




350 IHOPU students have raised their own funds to spend the next week spread out across America contending for revival.


Together with many others these students will gather at #MiamiOH #SpringOutreach to contend in John 17 Unity for Revival at MiamiU, Oxford, and the surrounding area. On April 8th 2 student lead bands will worship, pray and evangelize in Memorial Park (Oxford, OH) from 2 to 5:30pm. We are praying for great weather and John 17 unity among those involved. What Kind of Love would lead them to do this?


This is a Love of Obedience, passed on God’s definition of Love, with to God the 1st Commandment first place in their lives.


37 You shall love the LORD … with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment.

(Mt. 22:37-38)


We know that God’s ultimate eternal purpose for creation is to provide a family for Himself that includes faithful children for Himself and an equally yoked Bride for Jesus as His eternal companion. God promised to give Jesus an inheritance consisting of a people whom He fully possesses in love.


8 I [the Father) will give You [Jesus] the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession. (Ps. 2:8)


LOVE: God’s terms

This Love requires that we walk in mandatory obedience: God will cause all creation to obey Jesus (Phil. 2:9-11). However this is not a heavy-handed forced love. We can never force someone to love another or us. Instead, we can invite them into voluntary love; God will raise up people who voluntarily choose to love Him.


When we grow in God’s love then we are equally yoked in love to God. God wants us to love Him with all of our heart and mind, because He loves us with all of His heart and mind. Jesus wants us to love Him in the way He loves us. He will supernaturally empower us to love Him this way. It takes “God to love God.” The anointing to receive God’s love and to return it to Him is the greatest gift the Spirit imparts to us.


The love of God has been poured in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5). Jesus prayed for His people to be supernaturally empowered to love Him with God’s love.


26 I declared…Your name … that the love with which You loved Me may be in them. (Jn. 17:26)


HOW can you help!

On April 8th 20 plus IHOPU students will join with the students of Miami U. to seek the face of Jesus in worship, prayer and evangelism. Come and join us. If you can’t join us please pray for us. And send this blog to anyone that can come via instagram, Facebook and twitter.