Thank you Miami U. SpringOutreach friends!

John 17 Unity at Miami University


It was so great to see the Lord bring so many groups together for the purpose of Loving Jesus and building God’s kingdom in the students at Miami U. Several groups came together and deserve to be mention. First, Daniella Gibbons and the New Life Vineyard; they poured themselves out, as a drink offering, to see this outreach happen; they gave all the sound equipment, coffee, and time to make this outreach a success. Next, Skyline restaurant of Oxford are faithful people; the Jones and their staff did an amazing job hosting the team, praying during the event, and praying for years before had. Also, the Oxford Vineyard helped in many ways by: encouragement and helping with permit procedures, allowing us to park in their spaces, praying for students, and providing bibles for the ones we prayed with. The Cincinnati House of Prayer also came out to help and helped provide necessary resources before hand to make this event a success. And the IHOPU students were a blessing; they lead prayer and worship in the square, sent teams around Oxford to pray with those in need, and faithfully reached out and prayed with many, many, people. Lastly, my wife and children (whom I love so much) were tremendous. They changed their plans, did my chores so I could do other planning, helped make signs, and prayed many times for this event. I am so thankful for them.


Miami U. Student receiving prayer. 


  • 4 hours of public worship and prayer to Jesus at Miami U.
  • At least 100 presentations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Oxford Police, were thankful, and asked us to be apart of their future events.
  • Many of the Miami U. Holy Club students received much needed prayer.
  • Several unsaved people praying for healing or to start a relationship with Christ. One young man was a professing atheist, but after prayer he asked for a bible. Our dear friends form the Oxford Vineyard were able to give him a bible. Thank you Jesus.
  • A young man named Alex was really touched in the last 20 minutes. He told us that he was just seeking to find God and came to the music. Please pray for him as it was obvious God used the team to draw him to Jesus.



Kids helping to make the signs



  1. Pray for the ongoing work at Miami U. and the continued working together of ministries for the sake of the gospel. And that Holy clubs would continue to grow on campus.
  2. Pray for continued work between the Christian groups in and around Oxford and Cincinnati.
  3. Pray for the 12 teams of IHOPU students ministering in 12 different cities. 



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